Workout & Exercise Guide for Women trains you to achieve great body shape and beauty through fat...
Workout & Exercise Guide for Women trains you to achieve great body shape and beauty through fat burning exercises and workouts for women. It has gym workouts and home workouts with or without equipments. This app is the optimal weight loss fitness app for women. It has quality video exercises to get you in cardio shape and on the way to a great bikini body with great workouts for women. These exercises target all the important muscle groups of the body and by doing so, providing a fluent balanced workout training routine to make feel and look much better, lose weight, burn calories and sculpt those muscles.What are you waiting for? Get fit, maximize calorie burn & lose weight! Our fat burning cardio exercises will work. Combine Women Workout with your daily diet menu or nutrition plan. It doubles the intensity. There's a popular saying among fitness experts: "The best exercise is the one you're not doing." To achieve the best results, you need to regularly challenge your body in new ways. So while classic movements like the pushup, lunge, and squat are the staples of any good workout plan, varying the way you perform these exercises every 4 weeks can help you avoid plateaus, beat boredom, and speed fat loss.
Do you want the best fitness training for women or a housewife? Exercises to combine with a flat belly diet? There you have it, go ahead, get your bikini fitness exercise routine here! This app will maximize your fat burn combined with a great diet. Lose weight, get thin & lean. This fitness app works on your torso, butt / glutes, hips, quadriceps & hamstrings (using squats), shapes your thighs & buttocks, sculpt your legs and abs, tone your chest and arms. It is specialized in women’s fitness and strength training.
The application is specially created for women of all body shapes, who are looking to set a new life standard and want to shape their body. It comes with a nice and simple to use interface. making it a reliable assistant during your workouts.
The app has the following exercises: Torso Rotation, Jumping squats, jog in place, high knee run, frog tucks, windmill, butt kickers, calf raises, sumo squat, deep squat, leg swing, extended triangle, surfer squats, dumbbell squats, dumbbell curls, front raises, overhead extension, deadlift rows, chest chair dips, split squats, jumping lunges, hip extension, plank, hip raise, triceps pushups, incline pushups, dumbbell flys and many other flexibility and stretching exercises!
Lots of women would like to have firm and slim legs, thighs, and buttocks, but they avoid leg exercise because they don't want their leg size to get bigger; they are also afraid of having bigger muscle mass. It is true that there are many leg exercises that result in bigger muscle mass, but there are other exercises that will simply improve your figure and firm the body.
You were waiting and finally you get it! Your personal coach to form the perfect muscles available on your phone and tablet. Start your weight loss & love handles. Whether you are a housewife or not, a great workout in your own home gym!